The biggest thing was that holding me up was I would usually get to the point of "almost" finishing a post and then saying to myself, 'I'll wrap this up tomorrow', and naturally 18 days would go by before the thought would even occur to me to check back, by which time the post was hopelessly outdated. Witness this entry from what was intended to be the epic last entry from Australia (I styled it as a Bill Simmons-esque "running diary"):
11:27 AM: Got a note about tonight's broadcast, or should I say an assignment: please help compile some photos for quick features that will compare the long British tennis drought with other suffering sports institutions: the Chicago Cubs and the city of Cleveland. Anybody who knows me knows at least a couple of things:
1) It's not that I think the world would be better off if the Cubs organization didn't exist...I know it for a fact.So reading this, the first thing that comes to mind for me is not how I now "have" to help design a feature that puts these utter failures on display, it's that I get to. This was the last-minute jolt I needed to get my enthusiasm back to the proper level!
2) The same principle applies to the city of Cleveland.
With the benefit of two month's hindsight though, this diary was too good to let it be consigned to internet scrap heap. I'll post the full thing later tonight (I can tell you all wait with baited breath...)