This is too easy.
Now, anybody who knows me in the slightest way knows that I've got no love lost for the city of Los Angeles. It's a hell-hole. You know the L.A. you see in the god-awful-yet-totally-awesome Kurt Russell movie "Escape From L.A."? That's the sanitized version of Los Angeles. The place sucks. And not only because of the air quality.
There's also earthquakes. The earth itself is literally trying to shake free of the burden known as Los Angeles County. I say, "Who are we to mess that up?" Some doomsday-types interpret such events to be the expression of a higher power's displeasure with us. Personally, I take it as validation that I got out of Dodge not a moment too soon.
And before certain people out there get started (I'm not gonna name names, but I think we all know I'm talking about Pat Girouard here), there is not a thin line between love and hate. There is, in the words of Dr. House, a Great Wall of China with armed turrets every 50 feet. There are certain things that are just meant to be hated in this world. Los Angeles the city is one of them.
Glad you're out of L.A, Little Georgie.
Now I don't have to worry about you as much.
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