Thursday, June 25, 2009

Farewell, Captain EO...

I could flesh out some thoughts on this, but unfortunately I'm still a very young face in the blogging world and I can't do anything but follow the crowd today: the news cycle, the blogosphere, the Twitter-verse, Facebook Nation, and MySpace planet are all communicating on the same wavelength: Michael Jackson has passed away.

This was the final chapter of a long, bizarre descent for "The King of Pop" who had as many awkward "WTF?" moments over the past 15 years as he did hit singles in the previous 15. The guy had a chimpanzee named Bubbles following him around! He was a lot of things to a lot of people, but I choose to recognize what was one of the finest acting performance in the theme park 3-D film history (note: I'm not entirely sure this should be considered a compliment).

Ladies and Gentleman, I salute you, Captain EO.


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