It could have been just me, but it seemed like every person I know in the greater Chicago area was at the Billy Joel/Elton John concert tonight. Here I am tucked away on a dark and stormy night in Connecticut (seriously, the power went out tonight, and for a solid 25 seconds a steady stream of lightning flashes kept illuminating the house like it was broad daylight. It was a scene straight out of James Whale's 1931 version of Frankenstein. I digress - apologies).
As I was about to be saying, I usually avoid going to Wrigley Field on principal unless the Sox are playing a Crosstown game there, but it occurred to me that such a night like tonight would give me the opportunity to do something I have (and I'm sure Ozzie Guillen has too) always dreamed of doing: literally take a dump on that landfill-excuse of a stadium.
I correct myself on this: Ozzie doesn't dream about doing this. Dollars-to-doughnuts he's done it a dozen times already. And of course I wouldn't worry about getting caught. Somebody would have to be able to separate my contribution from the baseball team which is on that field the rest of the time!
Anyway, here's a picture Erin e-mailed from her phone:
Killer seats. I would actually have enjoyed being that close to the Piano Man.
While I didn't have as good of seats as Erin, I can vouch for the greatness of the concert. And there were many Sox fans who wore their gear, there were even more who got as close to the 3rd base line dugout as possible and "politely" raised one of their 5 fingers for the camera (I'll let you guess which finger it was).
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