Thursday, July 9, 2009

Like I Said

Ron Artest is gonna fit right in. At yesterday's press conference, his rational for choosing the #37 with the Lakers (he's previously gone a little off the beaten path with number selection). But this...skip ahead to 1:33 in the video for the part that has me picking my jaw off the floor, and not precisely in "Where Amazing Happens!" context. The analysis before that about the proper usage of the word "hoodalize" is also gold, but just watch at the 1:33 mark:

He starts off well enough, posing his number selection as an egalitarian process complete with ideas submitted on Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, etc (note to athletes: you're not a true man of the people until you incorporate services on at least two social networking sites). Then he somehow manages pluck out 37 because it stands for the same number of weeks that Thriller was the #1 album, and after all, "I'm number one in my life". I personally often have difficulty cracking the top five in my own life, so hats off to you, Ron Ron. This man and Los Angeles were made for each other.


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